The Value Stack

Ready to move your coaching business forward?


Hey there, I’m Shannon Hernandez and I am back for another beautiful tutorial for you to think about today. And this is a time that I pre record these powerful pieces of content that really take you through one of the processes of marketing and selling. And today we’re going to talk about the value stack. The value stack is simply: how can we help you build so much value from the bottom up that when you’re in a sales call or you’ve gone live on video, or you’ve made a post on Facebook or LinkedIn or wherever it is that you hang out online, that the value is built, built, built, built layer by layer that the right person, at the right moment says, “Oh my gosh, I got to call you.” This is exactly what I want. Okay. This is what we want for our marketing and selling, because if we can show the value of the offer before we ever make the invitation to work with the person, and it is the right person that we’re talking to, either in a sales call or a consultation strategy session, or in our social media, email marketing, it makes your job a lot easier to sell your offers, and I’ll go out on a limb here and say your high-end offers, to the right people. 

So let me share my screen with you today. We’re going to look at a hamburger and you’re going to see exactly what I mean in just a moment. So I’ve drawn a beautiful hamburger for you here. If you’re like me and you don’t eat meat, it’s a veggie burger. So make it whatever kind of burger or sandwich you want. But what we’re going to do is we’re going to look at how you build value from the bottom up so that when you get up here, you barely have to talk about your offer. Okay, we’re going to talk our way through this. Grab a pen, grab some markers, grab a piece of paper, and let’s really explore the value stack. 

So right here, you’ve got the foundation. That’s the plate that the burger is sitting on. That plate is the foundation. This is some of the other stuff that I teach our clients and our students in the program. And it’s really like who is the offer for, who is it not for, like calling out those specifics. We’re not going to talk about the foundation today. Okay. But what we are going to talk about is we’re going to start down here on the bottom layer of this button. So the very first question, and this is messaging. Messaging is part of marketing. We teach it all in conjunction. We teach messaging, marketing and selling. All right, this is really the bottom layer. And it’s what do they want? What do your ideal clients really want in their own words? And this should be simple enough that a third grader could understand it.

My people want more clients. My people want more freedom in their business. They want a business model that’s more aligned with their lifestyle. My people want some more freedom, more time, more clients, more money. You need to really be able to answer this question. Okay? So I want you to spend some time here and I want you to ask yourself, what do my people really want in the most simple terms? Okay? Because when you speak their language, it gets a lot easier. 

All right, now this next layer, layer two, is the lettuce. And the lettuce is all about what is their current reality? What are they currently experiencing? That maybe isn’t so great for them. All right. Now, a lot of marketers in the past have taught this as pain point marketing. And if you’re anything like me, that just drives you crazy. You don’t want to beat a dead horse and we don’t want to attract people’s pain. So the way that you flip this is you really ask them what are their hopes and their desires? Where are they wanting to be six months from now a year from now, where are they wanting to be in their health journey, their healing journey, their business journey, whatever it is that your specialty is. Okay. And to get to that, we have to understand what’s their current reality, right? Are they short on clients? Are they overweight? Are they, um, you know, have a business that’s doing well, but it’s not bringing them joy anymore. So this current reality here is actually what you need to know from them. You need to get them to tell you what their current reality is. That’s going to be super powerful. Okay? As you’re doing your sales calls, your consultations and your strategy sessions. So what is their current reality? Make sure they tell you that.

All right, now we’re here to our veggie burger patty, all right. And this is all about – Okay, great. If this is their current reality, we’re building value. What’s their future dream? What’s their vision for their life, for their future, for their health, for their business, for their family. What’s the future that they want to have. How do they want to feel? What do they want to accomplish? Who do they want to be? And so, as we teach the sales process, and as we teach people to put out powerful content that connects to their ideal client, we spend a lot of time right here. We need them to understand their current reality in their own words. And we also want to help them dream of the future of what’s possible for them, if they get what they want. So you can see we’re building value all along this, this journey here, all right. 

We’re to the tomato layer, all right. Layer four, the tomato layer, is all about what are their perceived roadblocks. So one of the most powerful things you can do on a strategy session is you can ask people, okay? So this is where you are. This is where you want to be. What are the roadblocks that you think are standing in the way? This will give you so much information for your content, for your marketing, for your own tutorial videos, for anything that you want to put out in your brand, that is a value. It will really help people understand what are the roadblocks, why are they not where they want to be yet? Okay. Now back again, to like the old style of marketing, a lot of people dictate this for their clients.

They dictate this and the content. They start telling people what the roadblocks are. I’m going to encourage you to take the higher road, to take the more joyful path to marketing and selling, and to really stop and ask them to tell you, empower your people, to understand that when they can identify their roadblocks, you can be the guy. You can be that coach. You can be that consultant that helps them on their journey. Okay? 

The next layer, if you guys don’t know this already, is cheese. All right, this is the cheese layer. It’s all about their transformed version of themselves. So once I’m able to help you get more clients, once I’m able to help you have a joyful selling process in your business, how will you change as a person? How will things change for you? Because we all know change starts from within, right?

So if I was able to help you have a powerful sales conversation and understand this value stack and how to build this out for your clients. And every time you got a sales call, a consultation, a strategy session, you were closing 50 to 60% of those ideal clients. How would that change you? That’s really the question there. And so you’re going to want to ask that of your people. You’re going to want to have that conversation with your people. Okay. Now I’m really into burgers, especially in the summertime. So I got a double veggie burger here. All right. This is our second patty. And this layer is all about how do you handle their objections when they come to you? And they say, “you know this is really about the pricing” or “the time isn’t right.” Or “I’m not sure I have the energy to put into redoing a marketing plan or the energy to take on a new coach or consultant at this time.”

How do you handle their objections? That is part of the vow, right? And this is something that I work with my clients on because everyone has objections. All right, everyone has objections. I always say to my clients, nobody wakes up and puts coaches or consultants in their budget. Most people do not. So they’re gonna have those objections and how you handle them is going to influence how many people you’re closing, the depth of the conversations you’re having and how you’re able to continue building value, even past their objections. It’s a super important part of this process of building a value stack and having powerful conversations. All right, we’re up to the red onion layer. This layer is all about the case studies and the proof of results. I’ve learned two things in this journey as a successful coach and consultant. And those two things are people want hope, and they want to know what kind of results you can get.

So one of the most powerful ways to handle objections is to tell a story, a case study, to share proof of results of somebody who’s been exactly where this person is and exactly where they want to go, and talk about adding value to your value stack. You are now really, really showing the value of your program, showing the value of your expertise, showing the value of your skills as a coaching consultant by highlighting different people who have gotten those results. Okay. So case studies and proof of results are super important for handling objections. Finally, we’re up to the bun, the top bun of our burger here. And if you’re still getting objections, one of the best things that you can do for your prospective clients, your ideal clients, once you have them in a sales conversation is ask them, what is it costing you to -blank-? So what is the cost to you of not having more clients? What is the cost to you of not losing that weight? What is it costing you to not have a powerful sales conversation and marketing strategy in place? It’s the life, the lifeblood of your business, right? So you’re going to really want to ask them that question, and then you’re going to want to listen. And this is sometimes an awkward phase because nobody’s asked them what’s the cost of them staying stuck. What’s the cost of them not getting that one thing they want down here at the bottom bun, right? Finally, if you have done your job, they should be asking you, (Now let’s have a caveat if they are the right client and it’s the right time, and they’re ready to really solve this problem, or to have this, this desire fulfilled) they should be asking you, how can I work with you?

And that right here is this little sesame seed. You see it. This is the only time that you invite people to work with you. Once you have built the value, and they have said to you, how can I work with you? Because now we’ve taken away all their objections. We’ve taken away their doubts, we’ve shown the value of our offer and what do we get up here? We get a beautiful invitation of people asking how they can work with you. And at this level, when you offer your coaching program, your one-on-one, your consultation, your whatever it is that you’re selling, when it is the sesame seed of this bun, the price doesn’t matter anymore. 

And that is the value of having a value stack and understanding how to put content together that follows this value stack methodology, if you will. So that at the end, they’re saying, “Gosh, Shannon, how can I work with you?” All right. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. And as always, if you’ve loved it, and it sparked some things for you and you’re thinking, “Gosh, I would like a value stack. I would like to know how to have these powerful enrolment conversations.” Please click the button below, schedule a call, and we will gather for a strategy session and see how we can help you in your business. Adios.